Sensible advice on the decision to have a baby or not

Some sensible advice found in the Telegraph!!

A very excellent piece of advice to a woman feeling pressured into the decision to having children can be found here with a mixture of good and not so good comments.

Anyway, just a quick update on the book for all regular follower of the blog - I finished my extended book proposal and this met with the approval of my literary agent. I am now working on the sample chapter!!!


Sass said…
Congrats on the progress of your book.
Unknown said…
Hey Beth,

I am from India and as much as educated and broad minded my families are, the decision of not having kids has got everyone upset ... and has me stressed. My bf is supportive though once he said "...dont you think we must..." and i said "no" and we decided never to discuss it again.
Never thought the decision of not having kids can be so stressful.

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