Ticktock Coaching - Coaching for women struggling with the decision to have children or not

I've been featured in today's edition of The Province - a Vancover publication.

Aside from mis-spelling my last name (it's not Beth Follani - it's Beth Follini!),
I thought the article was very good and I'm going to revisit the discussion about this new revision - which places parenting at the top of the pyramid!

Anyway, if you've come seeking coaching as a result of googling my (mis-spelt) name in this article have a look at my main coaching website which is http://www.ticktockcoaching.co.uk


Anonymous said…
I'm currently trying to decide whether to have a second or not. Do you write about this too or are you focused on child or not?
Beth said…
Hi there! Sorry to have taken so long to get back to you - yes, I have coached women on the issue of whether they would like to have another child or not but it tends to be mainly people who are trying to decide whether to have children at all or not.

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