While I regret having children? Will I regret it if I don't have children?
So when I found this article on the top five regrets that people had on their deathbed, I wanted to share it with you. The top five were:
1) Not having the courage to live a true life and having conformed to others beliefs/wishes.
2) Working too hard
3) Not expressing true feelings/surpressing feelings
4) Losing touch with friends.
5) Not allowing themselves to be happy
It's a great article - and it confirms what I say to clients. If you get in touch with your vision on how you REALLY want to live your life, if you start expressing how you REALLY feel about having/not having children to your partner, if you create a great support network and if can consciously choose things and ways of being that make you happy - you are less likely to feel regret. I love working with people on the decision to have children or not - because in the process of making a decision, they also realise that they can live their lives in more powerful and confident ways. They can make choices and they can live their life from a place of wholeness.