Nothing can help you make the decision whether to have children ornot??!!!
I'm sure it's no surprise to hear that I really disagree with the title of this article. Having helped many (over 150) women make this decision through coaching and having heard that my book is helping others make the decision, I would (of couse!) say that coaching can help you make the decision whether to have kids or not!
However, the main point that they make I am certaintly in agreement with - this is NOT a decision about what will make you happier or not! As the research they quite points out, people are making the decision based on a range of factors including overall life satisfaction. When I'm coaching women (and sometimes men) we look at a range of issues.
I was also pleased that researchers confirmed a key message I always tell my clients that I believe it is making the choice a deliberate one - and that has been backed up my emails I've received from women who both choose to have children and those that didn't - that because they took the time in coaching to examine their fears,!their visions for the future and other key issues, they felt able to move forward from a place of uncertainty,
Here is the link to the article: