When you don't have a strong biological urge to have children

I just came across this blog where the blogger has decribed the difficulties she and her partner had in making the decision to have children or not. She perfectly describes the difficulty in trying to decided when you don't seem to have a strong biological urge to have children.


Anonymous said…
hi I am 'the blogger' you recently discussed on your blog.

Thanks for the supportive words you have written. I really appreciate it.

Its a crazy journey for me all this 'to have or not to have children' stuff, but then, life in all its facets is a crazy journey..

So I am taking the ride and will put my faith in life to give me what I am meant to have..

i'll do the actions knowing the results are not for me to decide.

Definately a challenge in letting go!!!

I had the womb test I mentioned n the post by the way.. the one the professor suggested and posted a blog about it last night if anyone is interested.


I have an appointment with the professor next week so he can go over the results ...and we will go from there.



thanks again

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