Single Mothers by Choice

An article appeared today in the Guardian looking at the phenomena of women who are choosing to be single parents. It confirmed a choice that I see alot of my clients making - to stop waiting for the partner who hasn't materialised yet or to leave a partner who doesn't want children and go it alone.

It's interesting - because as the article points out, usually heterosexual women wait to look at assisted donor conception untill they have given up on the male partner. And, as more of us become aware of the limitations on our fertility, this is an option that women are aware needs to be made sooner rather than later. Yet, the implications are huge - for some women it means giving up on the 'dream' of having a traditional family. And, of course, being a single parent means that it can be difficult to get into a relationship.

But for most of the women who have choosen this option - there is very little regret and, the benefits outweigh the downsides.


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