Baby or Not Book - Reviews now coming in!
'This is an excellent book for women and couples struggling to gain clarity as they make the decision about children. The author helps the reader arrive at a place where she can make this decision not out of fear, or based on others' expectations, but from her own desires. My wife and I found this book helped us listen to the voice inside and do what was right for us, and helped dispel the idea that there is any perfect path to follow, or that only certain types of people do or do not have children. A great book for all thirty somethings in this age of angst and uncertainty. '
I'm so glad people are finding the book useful to helping them make the decision - the difficulty for me as a coach and a writer is knowing how different everyone's individual situation is. So I know the book can't address everyone's issues - but I hope that it helps people, like this reader, get a good sense of how they can begin to listen to that 'voice inside.'
You can see the review and order the book here: