Advice from the Royal College of Obstretricians and Gynaecologists

On Friday, the Royal College released this advice.
Basically, they feel that girls and women should be given - along with other sex education information on preventing pregnancy, information on the optimum time to have a child which is before 35 years of age.


Abigail Smith said…
I am fairly sure that most reasonably well-educated women know already that fertility declines. Education of women isn't the problem (or at least not the whole problem - as a woman preparing for IVF and facing a lot of "Oh, that's alright then" dismissal from friends ignorant of the process and its success rate, certainly more information about the stresses of IVF and how it's not a "quick fix wouldn't go amiss).

This information needs to be given to all *people*, not just girls and women. What is this blind spot that people have that makes them believe that only women choose when to have a child? I can guarantee that a lot of women would have their children earlier if their partners would agree to it. Educating boys and men might not actually change the behaviour of those man-kids who refuse to grow up, but it would at least prevent them from claiming ignorance.

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