Coaching Couples who are struggling whether to have children or not

Over the past few years, I have received a number of enquiries from people wanting to be coached as a couple on this decision - rather than as individuals. This is a very good idea but I have never offered this service as I haven't trained as a couples coach.

However, I now am offering a package of coaching for couple in colloboration with my partner Judy Van Zon who is an qualified couples coach. The service will include: an individual session for each partner with myself at the beginning of the coaching programme. Then couples will be offered a number of coaching sessions with Judy together (we suggest a minimum of 4 coaching sessions). If anyone in the partnership would like another individual session throughout the coaching, they can book one in with me.

So, if you would like relationship coaching around this issue, please let me know. And I will set up an initial consultation call with you to discuss the coaching and how it works.


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