I want a baby but my boyfriend doesn't

This question appeared on Yahoo Answers recently - it's a question I hear alot.
One of the things I work on with my clients who are in this situation is to help them get REALLY clear about what they want. Once people can express themselves in a clear and confident way, it's then MUCH easier for them to discuss this with their partner.
In my next blog post, I'll look at some techniques to help yourself develop calmness and clarity.


Unknown said…
Taking the decision to become a lone parent is difficult: http://www.co-parents.net/want-a-baby/taking-the-decision.php
Beth said…
Thanks for leaving the weblink - I think the idea of co-parenting is a wonderful idea. And any support for people thinking of becoming a lone parent is so needed.
Unknown said…
Well I am 23 and I have been with my boyfriend for three years and I want and need to have one before I am 30 because doctors tell me that I will not be able to have kids then. I don't know what to do he doesn't want kids right now he is 29 and I can't wait much longer. Help me

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