Techniques for regaining your centre
In my last blog post, I mentioned I would share with you a technique for regaining your sense of calm and peace ~ even when you feel stressed or anxious about making the decision to have children or not. I give this technique to all my clients as it is a simple and powerful way for us to regain a sense of calm.
1. adjust your posture so you are sitting uplifted.
2. take a gentle breath in and then a LONG breath out.
3. allow gravity to take the weight of your shoulders and chin
4. imagine you have a bubble of energy surrounding you and any stress or pressure that comes from outside can just land in the bubble of energy.
5. ask yourself the question 'what would it be like if I had just alittle bit more ease in my being right now?' and notice what answers come
This should take no more than 5 minutes. Now, look at the situation again and notice what is different.