Loving someone who doesn't want children (but you do)
I see many women in my coaching practice who do want children but whose partners don't want children OR whose partners are saying they are not ready yet. For many women who are aware of the limitations of their biological clock, and who are in their mid to late 30's this can put them in a difficult dilemma. Do they stay in the relationship OR do they leave the relationship? Do they press their partner and offer an ultimatum? Will they feel regret in the future if they don't children?
I think it's one of the most difficult and painful places to be - being in love with someone and wanting to have children with them but knowing they don't want this as well. I've worked with individuals like the women featured in this article in the Mail who have had to make this difficult decision. I do think it's possible to come to a place of peace and resolution but the pain and sadness that goes along with whatever choice you make needs to be acknowledged. I think if clients can mourn and find a way to say goodbye to either the relationship OR the dream of having children, then it is possible to move on. That's why I've picked this image of people letting go of Japenese lanterns at the top of this page - because it's important to do rituals and acknowledge what we are saying goodbye to